Ways to Hide the Games On Steam

If you want to play the games online but have privacy, you should know that your personal Steam information can be easily accessed by anybody on the Internet. And as far as gaming is becoming an integral part of the entertainment life, you should take seriously the information that is collected and used by participators of the gaming ecosystem. Even if you think that some details of your gaming may not be a big deal, you should be careful as you may not understand the consequences to the full extent.
In this article, we will speak about the reasons to hide the games played on Steam and describe ways of doing it.
Privacy within Steam
We would say that Steam as a game platform suggests tons of additional features, meaning that here you will not only find the title you want to play, install and update it, you also get to create a friends list, join groups, communicate with other players.
In your profile, you are suggested to share some personal data. To prevent any concerns about privacy, the owner of the platform assures that they respect the privacy of online visitors and users adhering to the correspondent legislation. They explain what data they collect and process. Thus, you can be sure that they will not do any harm.
But there is another moment connected with the games you choose here. Do you want to make the information of your choice available to other users of the platform? If you prefer to hide it, we are going to help you.
Why should you do it?
First, let’s think of reasons for hiding. It is clear that you are free to do what you want and try any title of any genre and quality. But mind that other people can judge you by your preferences and draw an improper conclusion about your personality. If it is all the same to you – stop reading and forget about it. But if you do not want your experimenting with games to influence your image, you should continue reading.
Thus, the image is the most important reason to keep your games private. We’ll tell you how you can do it without effort.
Follow our guide
As we have mentioned before, in your profile, there is various information about you and your Steam activities. It contains the titles you have played. Also, it will tell anybody the number of hours you’ve spent on a particular game. Though the profile is private by default, there is an option allowing you to mark it public. You can do it for some purpose and forget about the setting providing anyone with access to it.
Thus, you should check from time to time your privacy settings and change your profile from public to private, if there is a need for it. It is very easy to do.
● Enter your own Steam account.
● Put a mouse cursor over your username and click Profile.
● Click Edit Profile and find My Privacy Settings.
● You will see several options displayed on the page.
● Click on the down arrow next to Game Details and get a list of variants.
● Choose one of the suggested variants. Make your profile available for Public, Friends Only, or make it Private when nobody sees it.
● Save the settings and enjoy your privacy.
Do You Care About Your Privacy?
We hope that this article has got you thinking of such important things as your privacy controls. Please, leave your comments on the theme below, if you have your particular opinion about it.